“SERV NOT ALLOWED:512” is a general error that applies to the TransArmor settings for a Fiserv (First Data) account. Through Datacap’s NETePay Hosted platform, a Universal End-to-End Encryption PAN key is available such that the same key can be used with any supported backend processor. But when using Datacap’s “classic” implementations, End-to-End Encryption is unique […]

Batch Close Summary

Traditionally in a restaurant environment, credit card batches were stored locally to allow for adjustments (tips) prior to being submitted to the processor. Since 2015 and the EMV Liability Shift, processors more commonly allowed for adjustments to be made to transactions stored on their host. This reduced the risk for merchants who were storing a […]

Worldpay (TCMP) Certificate Updates

In Q1, 2024 Worldpay TCMP (Lynk) will be moving to a new SSL certificate as their current solution via Digicert will expire. Their new certificate partner will be Sectigo which should be available in current Windows releases. For Tran users, we have built a new application to include the Sectigo SSL certificate. An application upgrade […]

Updates for Legacy Fiserv Platforms

Fiserv (First Data) notified Datacap of updated messaging requirements for use with their older platforms – not including the RapidConnect gateway.  Deployments on the RapidConnect Gateway are unaffected. But for Deployments communicating directly to Nashville, Buypass, or Cardnet, new application versions have been released to align with Fiserv protocols. What do I need to do? […]


“POS LU ERR A3 102” is an error resulting from an expired or absent TSYS Gen Key. Sometimes Gen Keys need to be re-acquired to resolve this error. Follow the steps below to update the TSYS Gen Key: 1 Login to PSCS. 2 Click “Change Activated Stage File” from the Main Menu. 3 Search for […]

Error 206

This message indicates you received an error message that was generated by the credit card processor.