Datacap Brand Guidebook

We’ve created this guide to help you use some of our core brand elements – our brand, logo, brand colors, brand names, etc.

Our Story

Founded over 42 years ago, Datacap Systems based our initial business strategy on providing a cash register with integrated payments and data capture/movement capability, sold through a network of retail systems developers and their dealers. After successfully installing tens of thousands of ECR/POS terminals in retail chains across North America, we made an aggressive decision to lift the integrated payments functionality from its own ECR/POS register line and make it available to all ECR/POS suppliers. To avoid conflicts of interest in our sales channel, we methodically unwound our ECR/POS offerings and focused on delivering integrated payments as a middleware offering across many vertical markets.

With our extensive experience implementing our own integrated payments and data capture capabilities, we enjoyed a distinct competitive advantage in understanding the nuances of adding integrated payments and data movement to other third party systems. As the only integrated payments provider with both hardware and software based solutions, Datacap delivers a rich product set capable of supporting virtually any operating system, every card processor, all card types and many payment peripherals, all with a simple ‘one-to-many’ command interface.

Datacap offers highly scalable software and hardware products that can be operated at the store level, enterprise level or processor level, all supported and managed with cloud-based activation and configuration tools. With hundreds of thousands of successful payment installations showcasing many evolving product solutions, the one thing that hasn’t changed is that we remain strategically committed to delivering best-in-class payments and data capture solutions through a network of retail systems providers.

Our Slogan

We Solve Payments Problems

The Basics

Datacap Logos

Our logo is our most recognizable asset. That’s why we love it, are protective of it and ask you to follow the rules when you use it.

  • Don’t alter, rotate, or modify the Datacap logo. This includes drop shadows, use of non-brand colors, additional bold, 3D, etc.
  • Don’t animate the Datacap logo. Only use animated logos provided from Datacap.
  • Don’t accessorize the Datacap logo with extra elements.
  • Don’t use older versions of the logo.
  • Follow the clear space guidance (a minimum distance around the logo equivalent to the accent inside our logo).

Primary Logo

Datacap Logo

Secondary Logo – White

Datacap logo dual tone

All white Logo

Datacap Logo White

All black Logo

Datacap Logo All black

Logo Usage - dos and don'ts

Buffer Zone – for logo placement, observe a minimum 50 pixel buffer zone to prevent overcrowding the Datacap logo.  

Buffer Zone

Do not change logo colors.

Wrong Logo

Do not remove elements from our logo.


Do not distort our logo in any way.


Datacap Brand Colors

Here’s our brand colors / general color palette.

Logo colors

Datacap Red (logo)

HEX: #941A25

C: 27
M: 100
Y: 91
K: 27

R: 148
G: 26
B: 37

Datacap Black (logo)

HEX: #231F20
PANTONE P Process Black C

C: 70
M: 67
Y: 64
K: 74

R: 35
G: 31
B: 32

Datacap Gray (logo)

HEX: #A6A6A6

C: 37
M: 30
Y: 31
K: 0

R: 166
G: 166
B: 166

Other colors

Steel Blue

HEX: #778799

C: 58
M: 41
Y: 30
K: 2

R: 119
G: 135
B: 153

Light Gray


C: 2
M: 1
Y: 0
K: 0

R: 246
G: 249
B: 252



C: 0
M: 0
Y: 0
K: 0

R: 255
G: 255
B: 255

Correct Usage of Trademarks and Registration Symbols

Trademark and registration symbols should be used on the following company and product names (as shown below):

Company Name

  • Datacap®
  • Datacap Systems
  • Datacap Systems, Inc.

Product Names

  • NETePay™
  • GIFTePay™
  • DC Direct™
  • NETePay Hosted™
  • dsiEMVUS®
  • dsiPDCX®
  • dsiEMVAndroid™
  • dsiEMVApple™
  • PSCS™
  • PayLoader™
  • EasyCheckout™
  • Datacap Gift™
  • Pay API™
  • TranCloud™
  • DSIEMVClientX®
  • DSIClientX®

Contact us regarding brand questions