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EMVUSClient Test Application User Guide

Datacap's EMVUSClient™ Test application

Datacap’s EMVUSClient™ Test application is intended for development and troubleshooting purposes only. It is not designed to be used by merchants or for processing live payments outside of a POS application and must not be used for this purpose.

Scroll down to view this guide or select a topic from the Table of Contents below.

Table of Contents

Installation and Set-up


Download the latest version of the EMVUSClient™ Test application on under the Diagnostics/Utilities section.

STEP 2: 

Run the downloaded executable file to install EMVUSClient™ Test application for EMV transaction diagnostics. Restart computer when installation is complete.

Tran™ Diagnostics Configuration

Make sure the Datacap Tran™ device is plugged into the computer where the EMVUSClient Test application is installed. You will also need a EMV-enabled PIN Pad programmed to your specific processor connected to the Tran device.

Required Fields include:

  • Com Port

Note: You do not need a Merchant ID or Terminal ID.

Step 1:

Select “IPTranAT Interface” from the Pad/Processor list on the left side of the application window.

IPTran AT interface
EMV US Client Test v1.32

Step 2:

In the ‘Com Port’ field on the top right of the application, type in the com port number of the USB converter or serial port that the IPTran LT or PDC is plugged into on your computer.

Tran Com Port
Tran Com Port

Step 3:

Perform a “PIN Pad Reset” to confirm connection with the EMV-enabled PIN Pad, and reset it to “idle” state. 

PIN Pad Reset

Any command sent from the test application to our Tran interface will show you the AT command being sent to the Tran Unit.

AT response
AT Command response from PIN Pad Reset

EMVUSClient™ Test application sends a request for receipt data to Tran after every request whether receipt data is available or not. If receipt data is returned it will be displayed; If not, Tran will return an error.

NETePay™ Diagnostics Configuration

Required Fields:

  • Merchant ID is required

  • Terminal ID is required by the following processors: Chase, Vantiv, Worldpay US, and First Data Rapid Connect

  • IP/Hostname is the IP address of the computer you are currently running NETePay on

  • IpPort is the default number of 9000

*Merchant ID might not be called Merchant ID depending on what processor you are using, but will always be the first parameter on your processor provided parameter sheet(e.g. TSYS calls their Merchant ID the “Host Capture POS ID”).*

Step 1:

Select the radio button for “dsiEMVUS” at the bottom left of the application, and then hi-light the Pad/Processor combo that you are using.

dsiEMVUS Radio Button

Step 2:

Match Com ports for the EMV-enabled PIN Pad using Windows Device Manager (access from Control Panel > Device Manager). 

NETePay Com Port
Match NETePay Com Port

Step 3:

Perform a “PIN Pad Reset” to confirm connection with the connected EMV-enabled PIN Pad, and reset it to “idle” state.

NETePay PIN Pad Reset

Any command sent from the test application to our dsiEMVUS interface will first show you the XML request being sent out to our client control, dsiEMVUS.

NETePay XML response
XML response from PIN Pad Reset for NETePay

If receipt data is not returned, it is not displayed. You should receive no additional dialog.  

TranCloud™ Diagnostics Configuration

Required Fields:

  • Merchant ID is required

  • Terminal ID is required by the following processors: Chase, Vantiv, Worldpay US, and First Data Rapid Connect

*Merchant ID might not be called Merchant ID depending on what processor you are using, but will always be the first parameter on your processor provided parameter sheet (e.g. TSYS calls their Merchant ID the “Host Capture POS ID”).*

Step 1:

Select “TranCloud” from the Pad/Processor list on the left side of the application window.

TranCloud Interface

Step 2:

Enter the Merchant ID (provided by processor) and the Terminal ID (if applicable, this will depend on Processor).

TranCloud MID and TIDs input

Step 3:

Enter the following fields in the “Cloud” section:

  1. Device ID: TranCloud Device ID located on the back of the TranCloud device

  2. UserName: TranCloud Account ID

  3. Password: Test TranCloud Auth code

  4. Sec-Dev: Enter the Secure Device ID sent in the request (NOTE: This value is entered only if the ISV plans to support installs with a mix of devices, otherwise it should be left blank. When entering a value here TranCloud must have its Pin Pad type set to “SecureDevice Provided by POS”)

  5. PinPadIPAddress: If communicating to PIN pad over IP, enter the static or DHCP-reserved IP address.

  6. PinPadIPPort: 12000 (if not using default IP Port, enter the alternate value)

  7. PinPadMACAddress: If communicating to PIN pad over IP by MAC Address, enter MAC Address value (NOTE: Enter only the PinPadIPAddress or the PinPadMACAddress)

TranCloud settings
TranCloud Settings

Step 4:

Set the TranCloud device to Test Mode by selecting “TestMode”.  

TranCloud Test Mode
TranCloud Test Mode

Step 5:

Perform a PIN Pad Reset

PIN Pad Rest

Step 6:

Perform an “EMVParamDownload”.



In this case, we have an IPTran LT connected to com port 3. Press the “EMVParamDownload” button.  The duration of an EMV Parameter varies per processor (generally takes between 1-3 minutes).  Once the EMV Parameter Download is complete, click “Ok”.

EMV Parameter Download

Run a Test Sale

Once the EMVClientTest application is set up, you will want to run a test sale to help diagnose your EMV issue. To run a test sale (or any test transaction), the following fields are required:

  • Amount – put in a small dollar amount in the “Amount” field (i.e. $1.00)

  • Reference Number – This number is automatically generated

  • Invoice Number – The reference number and invoice number of a Test Sale should be the same value

**Some Processors require certain transaction modifiers to be selected in order to run test transactions. See below for TSYS and Vantiv IP (Mercury)**


TSYS Required
"Allow Partial Auth" is selected for TSYS

REQUIRED FOR Worldpay Core 610

"Allow Partial Auth" and "Use Tokens" Selected for Vantiv IP (Mercury)

Click the “EMV Sale” button to initialize a test transaction.

EMV Sale
EMV Sale

An “EMV Sale” will return an XML stream (NETePay) or a string of AT commands (Tran). 

XML Response
Tran Response
AT Commands returned

Click “OK” to continue to the next prompt.

Troubleshooting and Error Messages

You may encounter error messages while working with the EMVUSClient Test application.  Click the links below to read about common error messages associated with the test application. 

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