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CAP Software and Georgia Military College

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Georgia Military College (GMC) located in Milledgeville, GA, is a 2 year Community College with 14 campuses Statewide. Looking to migrate to EMV, GMC decided to partner with CAP Software and Datacap to deliver an ideal payments solution.

Datacap releases certified BluePay US EMV solution for Point of Sale

“We’re excited to announce our US EMV certification with BluePay,” commented Justin Zeigler, director of product strategy at Datacap Systems. “The forward-thinking functionality supported by BluePay’s processing platform provides a powerful plug and play payments option to our Point of Sale partners.”

The time is now to prepare for the EMV liability shift

CI compliance and similar security standards have evolved a bit more rapidly in the past few years, as regulators and advocates strive to create a more effective line of a rules that will reduce the rate of fraud and identity theft in the US going forward.