Retailers experiencing boom in data breaches
“Recent data breach” is an often search term of late. It seems not a day goes by without word of a major retailer being attacked by a cybercriminal. The numbers certainly seem to suggest as much, as last year, there was nearly a 45 percent increase in data breaches for business…
Are deep discount promotions paying off?
Could it be that your discount-related promotion is an exercise in futility? A recent study suggests as much.
CAP Software and Georgia Military College
Georgia Military College (GMC) located in Milledgeville, GA, is a 2 year Community College with 14 campuses Statewide. Looking to migrate to EMV, GMC decided to partner with CAP Software and Datacap to deliver an ideal payments solution.
How is mPOS Impacting Retail Operations?
Traditional retail POS is making room for mPOS, which is impacting retail in a number of positive ways.