TranCloud represent


For any Point of Sale

TranCloud is a unique payments hub for processor and hardware agnostic EMV-ready payments.  A simple HTTP POST is all it takes to add instant support for an evolving list of EMV-enabled devices for virtually all North American processors. 


All Processors

Datacap’s industry-standard payments integration delivers instant access to every major processor in North America and a best-in-class feature-set.
In addition to major processors, Datacap also supports 1,000’s of ISOs and merchant service providers.

Device Compatibility

TranCloud is compatible with dozens of pre-certified, EMV-ready devices from leading OEM providers

Open Sandbox/Testing

Open sandbox testing ensures processor compatibility.

Dedicated Integration Support

Our integration support reps are standing by to help you with any integration needs or questions.

Integration Options


Simple HTTP Post using XML or JSON.


Pay API allows POS integration partners to incorporate in-app, ecommerce or non-EMV swipe transactions within the same ecosystem as any of Datacap’s card-present solutions that utilize the NETePay Hosted platform.

Dev Portal

Flexible Sales Models

Sales models that fit any business

* Residuals are discretionary by Processor and can change at any time.  

Key Features


Accept all forms of credit (EMV/magstripe) from all major card brands.

EMV Tip-Adjust

Add a tip to an EMV card transaction without the card present (ideal for restaurants).

EMV Store & Forward

PCI-Validated EMV Store & Forward provides offline processing in the event of an IP outage.

Virtual Terminal

Payments, voids, returns, etc., through a merchant-facing virtual terminal.

PCI-Validated P2PE

PCI-validated P2PE solution secures transactions by encrypting all data within a PCI-approved point of entry device, removing clear-text cardholder data from the merchant environment.


Ability to process EBT food stamp transactions. 

Automatic Updates

Datacap products can be updated automatically via our product portal, PSCS™.


Support for all forms of debit (EMV/magstripe) from all major card brands.

Incremental Auth/Bar tabs

The ability to add additional transactions after the initial charge without the card in hand.

NFC/EMV Contactless

Support for NFC/EMV contactless transactions such as ApplePay, GooglePay, and other mobile wallets as well as contactless enabled cards.

Omnichannel Gift

Load/redeem gift cards that can be used online or in-store.


Data is encrypted at the point of interaction (POI) and decrypted outside of the Point of Sale environment (at the processor) using proprietary encryption format specific to each processing platform.


Ability to process electronic checks.

Real-time Reporting

Datacap offers real-time reporting online, anywhere for Datacap partners and their merchants.


Lightning-fast EMV transactions available on select PIN Pads.

EMV Pay-At-Table

Datacap offers EMV Tip-adjust, Mobile POS extensions, PIN Pad and customer initiated Pay-at-Table.


Easily add eCommerce to existing merchant locations or utilize eCommerce to run your online business​.

Cross-Platform Tokens

Shared tokens across processing platforms allow merchants to switch processors seamlessly without disrupting recurring billing.

PA-DSS Validated

Datacap products are PA-DSS validated under the latest version of payment application data security standard as defined by the PCI council.


Support for Flexible Savings Accounts and Health Savings accounts. 


Datacap supports many other features. Contact us to learn more or to request a new feature!

+ dozens of industry-standard payment features and accepted transaction/card types

Get Started

Integrating to Datacap has never been easier. Request access to our developer portal or contact us to get started today!

Let's Talk TranCloud!