EMV Store and Forward fields on PSCS

Datacap’s EMV Store & Forward solution comes with 3 new parameters in PSCS:

Store and Forward Fields in PSCS

Maximum Stored Transactions

Maximum number of transactions that can be stored before offline processing is halted. The default value in PSCS is 100. The maximum value for this field varies per product:

  • ePay™  – 4 digits (9999).
  • Tran™  – 3 digits (999).

Purchase Limit for Stored Transactions (dollars)

The maximum dollar amount of a transaction that can be stored before offline processing goes online. The default value is 500. The maximum value for this field is 5 digits (99,999). Less than or equal to the Purchase Limit, the transaction may be stored. Offline processing is not halted based on this value. Some transactions continue to be stored and some transactions continue to go online depending on the transaction purchase amount. 

Maximum Time Length for Stored Transactions (hours)

The age the oldest stored record is allowed to be before offline processing is halted. The default value for this field is 48 with a maximum of 3 digits (999). We recommend leaving this value at 48 hours. After 48 hours, you will be more susceptible to declines and potential transaction errors directed from the processor.

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