Ingenico iWL 258 – MAC Address

What do I need to connect the iWL 258?

  • TranCloud unit
  • TranCloud power supply
  • Password to Wi-Fi Network
Ingenico iWL 258 Keys

1.)  Plug TranCloud unit to 120V power outlet using provided power cable.

2.)  Turn on the iWL 258 by holding the green key (enter key) in the bottom right-hand corner.

3.)  Press the “F” key in the bottom left 4 times (circled in purple).

4.)  Press the  “F2” key to change the interface to Wi-Fi. Press the enter key.


5.)  Use the F3 key, to change settings. select DHCP. Press the Enter Key. Confirm that “server” is selected. Press the Enter Key. Press the F4 key to leave port set to “12000”.  Press the enter key to confirm that “ssl” is set to off.

Com settings

6.) Press the F4 key for Access Points. Press the F1 key for “new” point. Make sure your wi-fi network of choice is selected and press the enter key.
7.) Confirm that “WPA/WPA2” is selected for security (Press enter key).
Use the number keys to add your Wi-Fi password.

Enter wifi password

8.) Press “F1” to save. 

The iWL 258 will then reboot. The iWL 258 will show a Wi-Fi icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, and will display a message that says “lane closed”.