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Datacap Partner Fantasy Football League

League Info

In 2023, we started the Datacap Partner Fantasy Football League to better connect with partners. See FAQ below and sign-up to enter into the selection pool. 

Any member of a company partnering with Datacap. Limit to one participant per company.

Prospective league members can sign-up via the form below to get added to the selection pool. Datacap will screen all entrants and approve 10-20 league members for the 2024-2025 season.

Minimum entry donation is $50 per participant.

All entry donations collected by league members goes towards the total which will be donated to the winner’s charity of choice at the end of the fantasy football season.

In addition to bragging rights amongst your peers, our league winner:

  • Chooses which charity the winning amount goes to
  • Gets their name added to the Datacap Partner League Trophy
  • Receives a prize pack for your favorite NFL team

The Datacap league will be hosted on

Scoring format: PPR. Official scoring rules will be posted in the league info tab on ESPN.

Roster size:  TBD once all members are selected. But most likely the combination of 1 QB / 2 WR / 2 RB / 1 TE / 1 FLEX / 1 DEF / 1 Kicker with 4-5 bench spots.

Season: The season will run from week 1 through week 14. Playoffs will run from weeks 15-17.

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