Alternatives to Cash-Only Cannabis Payment Solutions

Although many cannabis businesses operate on a cash-only basis, you can provide your customers with a way to accept a form of digital payment now and transition to integrated payments after legislation changes.

6 Takeaways from the 2020 Holiday Shopping Season

6 takeaways

The 2020 holiday shopping season demonstrated that merchants need tech solutions that help them manage an omnichannel business and a flexible payments platform that provides the experiences consumers demand.

2019 Holiday Shopping Outlook

Holiday shoppers

A late Thanksgiving is bound to make the 2019 holiday shopping season interesting. The last time the span from Black Friday to Christmas was this short was 2013, when retailers opened stores on Thanksgiving for the first time, extended Black Friday deals online, and kept their doors open for 24 hours during the weekend before […]

Modern Grocery Trends Require Modern Technology


Businesses in all verticals and niches are adapting to technology disruption, new industry trends, and changing consumer preferences. Businesses in the grocery industry, however, are evolving into models that few anticipated a decade or two ago.  Some have dine-in cafes. Others have added craft beer or wine shops. Some formats are growing larger, while others […]

How to Help Physicians Collect Healthcare Payments from Patients

Healthcare payments

Healthcare providers are facing monumental challenges. Healthcare organizations must address mounting regulatory requirements, finding ways to efficiently address data management, training, audits, and how they will respond if a data breaches or noncompliance issue occurs. They’re also dealing with technology disruption, which requires them to keep up with the latest innovations to provide the highest […]

How Gen Z Consumer Trends Are Impacting Payments

Gen Z

Generation Z, people born from the mid-1990s to early 2000s, is emerging as the next consumer force. The oldest of the 68 million Americans who are part of Gen Z are now completing their education, entering the workforce, and building wealth. Gen Z’s estimated spending power in the U.S. is as much as $143 billion, […]