Why Merchants Wish They Had Unattended Payment Solutions This Holiday Season

Kids (and some grownups) make wish lists of the things they’re hoping to receive for the holidays. If you’re a point of sale (POS) ISV or VAR, it’s important for you to recognize that another activity occurs during the holiday shopping season: Merchants make wish lists, too. Retailers and restaurant managers want things that allow […]
Why Merchants Need Modern Gift Card Solutions This Holiday Shopping Season

Gift cards continue as the most popular holiday gift. National Retail Federation (NRF) data shows that six out of 10 consumers would like to receive a gift card and about the same number plan to give gift cards for the holidays. Restaurant gift cards top the list as the most popular, followed by department store, […]
Make this holiday sales season your best yet

As a retailer, what are you willing to do to ensure your regulars and newbies get the customer experience and rewards they deserve for patronizing your facility?