MasterCard Update regarding BIN 2 Range: What you need to know

What is this all about?


As of January 2017, card issuers began issuing a new version of MasterCard. Pull out your wallet and you’ll see that the account number on your card starts with a “5”. The first six digits of your account number, otherwise known as the Bank Identification Number (BIN) determine how transactions are routed and identify your issuing bank.

Rather than a “5”, MasterCard started assigning certain issuing institutions a BIN Range starting with “2”. Acquirers, Processors, Issuers, and Merchants’ Payment Applications need to be able to accommodate the new BIN Range. As of October, 2016, Acquirers, Processors, and Issuers should have all testing complete with MasterCard’s host.

Payment Applications also need to allow for the change. Datacap has been working to update these applications so that you can be prepared for new cards that will be issued. Please update in a timely manner to avoid any fees associated with MasterCard compliance programs. 

What do I need to do?

Datacap has updated our payment applications to support the upcoming MasterCard BIN 2 range. See below to determine if your merchants will be affected.

For NETePay™ Users:

Version 5.06 and above

  •   No Action Required

Version Below 5.06

  •  Upgrade to latest version of NETePay via PSCS. Standard Upgrade Rates Apply

For Tran™ Users:

Software Version 3.83 and above installed after August 1, 2016

  •  No Action Required

Software Version 3.83 installed before August 1, 2016

  • Close the batch and reload Tran Application via Tran Management Software or ECR Commands (no upgrade fees)

Software Version 3.82 and below

  • Upgrade to latest Application via PSCS. Standard Upgrade Rates Apply


For Canadian Merchants: