Datacap adds MercuryLoyalty™ support to Tran™ Products

Chalfont, PA – ECRs and embedded Point of Sale systems that utilize Datacap’s Tran™ line of integrated payment solutions now have the option to accept integrated MercuryLoyalty transactions. MercuryLoyalty includes “points” transactions, coupon verification and upload of transaction detail. This update allows merchants processing with Mercury to enjoy enhanced revenue created from increased traffic and a process to reach and maintain the most profitable (returning) customers. According to, obtaining new customers requires 5-10 times the cost it takes to retain existing ones and repeat customers spend an average of 67% more than new customers.

“The addition of MercuryLoyalty support to our NoLoad™ Tran product line supplies the reseller channel with an advanced loyalty offering and presents another opportunity to generate supplementary revenue for Datacap resellers and integration partners,” commented Justin Zeigler, Director of Marketing for Datacap Systems.

Minor integration changes are required for existing Datacap integration partners to take advantage of this new offering. Integration specs are available upon request.