GIFTePay™ for Heartland Payment Systems Now Available

Datacap Systems is pleased to announce certification and availability of high speed IP gift card interface to Chockstone, a division of Heartland Payment Systems. GIFTePay users can now access Heartland Payment Systems’ gift services with fast, 2-4 second IP gift card transactions. The explosively expanding use of gift card programs by retailers of all sizes and Heartland’s complete dedication to meeting the overall transaction processing needs of the retail marketplace makes this an important addition to the GIFTePay interfaces.

Gift and prepaid cards are proven to increase retailer traffic and average ticket and margin, all while providing new revenue and promotional opportunities. Gift/prepaid card programs also reduce typical ‘gift certificate’ expenses, and can even be used to improve the cost and profitability of return transactions. Strong benefits to both consumers and retailers make gift card a required POS/ECR feature. Fast, IP-based gift card transactions enhance customer service and store operation efficiency. Having gift card transactions integrated into the store POS/ECR system provides additional retailer benefits, streamlining operations and enhancing store and cashier accountability. Dealers benefit from selling the additional gift card feature, additional revenue opportunities and improved customer retention.

Heartland Payment Systems GIFTePay, as well as Heartland’s existing NETePay™, is available for web download and web/email activation. Specific features and services supported can be found at, and in dealer/reseller and POS developer documentation. Contact the Datacap sales department at 215/997-8989 or for additional information about gift card programs and services, and integrated payment solutions, or visit us at