Chalfont, PA – Datacap introduces the IPTran ePay application for ball parks, stadiums, arenas and other locations using many ECRs and ECR clusters. Now high speed integrated payments can be added to ECRs and terminals even more cost effectively and reliably in sporting and other locations using large numbers of ECRs and embedded terminals. IPTrans™ with inexpensive IPTran ePay software can be installed at each register cluster or standalone register or terminal, forwarding the transactions to a NETePay™ card payment server and/or GIFTePay™ gift/prepaid card server. This way, many registers can cost effectively use the ePay servers for high speed 2-4 second authorizations. In addition, automated dial back-up and redundant NETePay/GIFTePay servers can be installed for even increased reliability.
The IPTran ePay application uses the Datacap Command Interface (the standard DataTran™ interface), so no additional development is necessary for products that support this interface. All standard Tran™ SL and ML features are supported, even including support of PIN pads with card readers.
This is also a sound go-forward PCI PABP/PA-DSS validated solution for LanTran™ users who wish to migrate to a compliant solution.
Contact your Datacap Sales representative for additional details.